Local Services
The Gwinnett Family Child Care Association offers a listing of care providers in the Gwinnett area. It encourages members to provide quality care and comply with state and local laws.
Licensed providers may become members of a food program which assures you that your children are receiving nutritionally balanced meals and snacks.
Providers are required to have current CPR, First Aid Training, provide a safe, educational and age appropriate child care area.
The office of Bright From the Start: Department of Early Care and Learning maintains licensing records for all Licensed Family Home Child Care Providers and follow strict guidelines to assure safety and quality of care.
A family child care home maintains lower child to provider ratios than daycare centers and facilities. In a home setting, the child learns and discovers in a nurturing, healthy enviornment.
If you are interested in obtaining more information contact us at:
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Voicemail: 678-473-9690

For more info on how to select childcare go to:
Check out our links pages for some informative and fun web sites.
Thank you for visiting the GFCCA Web Site. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. We hope you will visit again soon.